# rgbscript.cf - configuration file for rgbscript. Entries with a DEFAULT value can be commented out.

## fieldnum = 0 (auto)			fit to page
## fieldnum = N			fit to page
## fieldnum = N + fieldheight = M	less than page / walk off page: potentialy enormous output
## Field number printed equals 0xff (255) / colorstep
## Default: 0xff (255) / 0x33 (51) == 5 fields per RGB byte, i.e. 15 fields in total.
## Factors of 0xff for round values: 1, 3 , 5, 0xf, 0x11, 0x33, 0x55 (1, 3, 5, 15, 17, 51, 85)
## Field separation and page margin also play a role in calculating the exact values

# Page dimensions. Best practice: create a page of the intended dimensions and set everything to px.
# (Document Properties -> Display units; Export PNG -> Units). In that case, these can be left unset.
# If set, make sure that at least Display units are set to px.
# If either of the following is not set, page dimensions of the document are used. Values may differ.
#pagewidth = 1000
#pageheight = 1000

# Color sets

#colorset = 'plainrgb'			# This is the DEFAULT
#colorset = 'hybrid'			# DEFAULT is 'plainrgb'
#colorset = 'lightrgb'			# DEFAULT is 'plainrgb'
#colorset = 'darkmyc'			# DEFAULT is 'plainrgb'
#colorset = 'darkrgb'			# DEFAULT is 'plainrgb'
#colorset = 'web'			# DEFAULT is 'plainrgb'
#colorset = 'rotate'			# DEFAULT is 'plainrgb'
#rgbfile = 'colors.txt'			# DEFAULT is ''; print list: list of 0x-less hex codes
#shufflecolors = 'yes'			# DEFAULT is 'no'; reshuffle colors list for every run
#printvalues = 'yes'			# DEFAULT is 'no'

# Field settings

#fieldnum = 100				# DEFAULT is 0: automatic field num calculation and alignment
#fieldheight = 10			# DEFAULT is 0: automatic field height calculation and alignment
#colorstep = 0x11			# DEFAULT is 0x33; hex or decimal integer
#fixstriping = 'yes'			# DEFAULT is 'no'; used to suppress stripes in the output
#fieldsep = 12				# DEFAULT is 0; field separation in pix
#fieldskip = 2				# DEFAULT is 0; number of fields to skip
#skipoffset = 1				# DEFAULT is 0; position to start showing fields from
					# should be less or equal to fieldskip; if not, wraps around
#invertskip = 'yes'			# DEFAULT is 'no'

# Page settings
#pagemargin = 20			# DEFAULT is 0
#showbackground = 'yes'			# DEFAULT is 'no'
#backgroundcolor = 0x000000		# DEFAULT is 0xffffff; hex RGB color code

# Color settings
#startcolor = 'green'			# DEFAULT is 'red'; one of 'red', 'green', blue'
#startcolor = 'blue'			# DEFAULT is 'red'; one of 'red', 'green', blue'
#invertcolors = 'yes'			# DEFAULT is 'no'; does not affect the background color
#fieldopacity = 0.9			# DEFAULT is 1 (no transparency at all)
#rbgoutput = 'yes'			# DEFAULT is 'no'; turns R-B-G output into R-G-B output or vice versa
					# - with color set 'darkmyc': M-Y-C -> Y-M-C
					# - has no effect on color set 'rotate'
#turnaround = 3				# DEFAULT is 0xff / colorstep; only works with plainrgb/web colors

# Color rotation settings (with colorset = 'rotate') 
#huerotation = 15			# default is 30; rotation in degrees for color set 'rotate'
#rotatecolor =	0xffff00		# NO DEFAULT; color to rotate from: hex value (!)

## The following settings are for BONUS CODE: print objects i.o. fields
## The 'showme*' list is incremental: setting both showmesquares and showmecircles to 'yes' will cause BOTH
## squares and circles to be printed, each against the entire print list

#showmesquares = 'yes'			# DEFAULT is 'no'; print squares
#showmerectangles = 'yes'		# DEFAULT is 'no'; print random-sized and oriented rectangles
#showmecircles = 'yes'			# DEFAULT is 'no'; print circles
#showmetriangles = 'yes'		# DEFAULT is 'no'; print random-sized and oriented triangles
#objectsize = 100			# DEFAULT is 10; max triangle size in combination with mintrianglesize
#minobjectsize = 10			# DEFAULT is 0, rendering fixed size according to objectsize
#objectstroke = 'fuchsia'		# DEFAULT is 'white'; stroke color: HTML color name, no hex code (!)
#objectstrokewidth = 4			# DEFAULT is 0; stoke width in pixels
#objectopacity = 0.9			# DEFAULT is 1 (no transparency at all)
#exceedpageborders = 'yes'		# DEFAULT is 'no'; allow objects to partly exceed page borders